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Peer Mediators

What is a Peer Mediator

A peer mediator is someone who can see both sides of an argument and help others to come to a solution themselves. They must be kind, caring and understanding.

They must be able to recall incidents and pass on information to staff. Peer mediators will be trained to communicate effectively with both children and staff.

In the past at Homefields we have had just year six children that were trained to be a peer mediator. This year (2022) we will have a peer mediator from each Key Stage 2 year group, to ensure that if the classes have to go into "bubbles" again due to Government Covid restrictions, the children will still be able to continue their hard work. 

Some quotes from past Peer Mediators at Homefields Primary School

"I have had a hard time before and felt I had no-one to talk to - when I did everything felt so much better, I want to help others who may feel like I did!"

"I would like to be someone that others could turn to.

"I like seeing other people laugh and smile."

"I am kind and caring and have a calming presence."

"I am a good listener."

"I don't quit on things and I work hard - if I get this opportunity, I won't let you down!"


Peer Mediators needed for 2023-24

Peer Mediators Needed!

Calling all Homefields students’ who feel that they can make our school a kinder and safer place for children. We need you to assist others with problems and issues they may face during their school day. At Homefields, we know that some children find it easier to relate to other children and therefore may be able to talk about problems that they may not necessarily share with an adult.

See below for a peer mediator application form.