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Year 5 & 6 Team

Welcome to Year 5 and 6


Mr Harrison

KS2 Lead &

Year 5/6 Teacher 

 Mr Hales

Year 6 Teacher


Mrs Clover

Y5 Teacher

Mrs Jones

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Bull 

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Muir

Teaching Assistant


Mrs Albinson

Teaching Assistant


Miss Langworthy

PPA Teacher



A warm welcome to the year 5 and 6 page. Prepare to enter our wonderful world where anything and everything is possible and the sky really is the limit!

We are excitedly looking forward to the second half of the Spring term where our children will continue to develop their independent learning skills and progress towards the next step in their learning journey. During Spring 2, we will immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of spies. The Spy School topic will link to a range of geography, D&T and literacy skills. We will be reading Stormbreaker where children will take inspiration from Alex Rider as we follow his transformation from ordinary school child to fully-fledged teenage spy. We will continue our learning about the science of light through several different investigations.

During the Spring term, we will continue to develop the children's learning behaviours so that they can get the most out of every day at school. We will be embedding the School's Core Values of  Be Kind, Be Courageous and be Respectful as well as nurturing a love of learning and building our school learning behaviours of: Resourcefulness, Resilience, Reflectiveness, Reciprocity and Responsibility.

Let our journey continue!

Mr Harrison, Mr Hales & Miss Clover


PE Days 

Miss Clover: swimming on Tuesdays during the autumn term and PE kit on Fridays.

Mr Hales: PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays; children should arrive at school in their PE kit.

Mr Harrison: PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays; children should arrive at school in their PE kit. Wheelchair Basketball will continue on Tuesdays for these dates: 27.2.24 and 5.3.24