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Light & Dark - Autumn 2

 In our Light and Dark topic, we will be exploring Remembrance day, including why and how we mark it. We will be asking questions as historians such as 'what was it like for people?' and 'how long ago did this happen?'. We will be looking at the events that led up to the Gunpowder plot, and exploring how it is remembered annually. We will be discussing the fact that people have reasons for the things that they do. We will be investigating electronics in Design and Technology, including diagnosing faults in battery-operated devices! We will be looking at a range of torches and will learn to identify when a battery is low. In RE, we will be building on our knowledge of Christianity by moving onto Judaism. In Science, we will be looking at the seasons, what makes each one different, and using our observation skills to watch what happens as Autumn becomes Winter.