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School Admissions

Open evenings for September 2023

Homefields Primary School Admissions

Please go to the Derby City Council interactive map to see the catchment area Admissions Catchment Map to see if your address is in our catchment area.

Derby City Council process our admission arrangements for:

  • Reception admission for September 2024 starters
  • In year admissions applications for year groups FS2 - Year 6

If you want to apply for a school place at Homefields Primary School, you will need to make an application to Derby City Council.

The Local Authority coordinate admissions for our school and are responsible for coordinationg all applications from parents for school places in our catchment area. If you want to apply for an infant, junior or primary school place in Derby, you need to make an application to Derby City Council.

We have a maximum intake of 45 reception pupils annually in September. Please note that if your child already attends Foundation Stage 1 at our school, this does not automatically give them a place in Foundation Stage 2. You must still apply through the Local Authority for your Foundation Stage 2 place.

Moving Schools During Term Time

If you wish to enquire about an 'in year' place at Homefields Primary, please contact the Local Authority Admission department who will advise you how to apply for any places that may be available.

Our Full Admissions Policy is in line with Derby City Council Admissions Policy, details of which can be found here

Over Subscription Arrangements 2023-24

If the school is oversubscribed, after the admission of pupils with a Statement of Special Educational Need, or an Education Health and Care Plan (EHC) where the school is named in the Statement or EHCP, priority for admission will be given to those children who meet the criteria set out below, in order:

Over-Subscription Criteria

1. *Looked after children and all previously looked after children, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.

2. Children who live within the current catchment area served by the school with brothers or sisters attending the school at the proposed time of their admission.

3. Children who live in the current catchment area of the school.

4. Brothers or sisters of children still attending the school at the time of their admission, but not living within the school’s catchment area.

5. Children who are not living within the school’s catchment area.

6. Children whose parents did not request a place by the date set.

Tiebreaker for applications of equal strength: shortest available route from school measured by a straight line using the Council’s measuring system.

Note: A brother or sister is classed as having one or both natural parents in common, are related by parent’s marriage or are adopted or fostered. A brother or sister must be living at the same address.

Please read the Primary Admissions Handbook before making an application, a downloadable version is available. 

Primary Admissions Handbook 2024-2025



Derby City Council
School Admissions Team
The Council House
Corporation Street
Tel: 01332 642727

Minicom: 01332 640666

School Admissions - Appeals

How to appeal

We are now processing appeals as an academy and advise you to download and complete our appeals form and send the completed document to:

School Admissions Team
Homefields Primary School
DE73 5NY

If you are appealing for a school in-year, the deadline for returning appeal forms will be at least 20 school days from the date of the decision letter

Admissions Arrangements